Bathrooms and Boudoirs

August 19, 2014

Similar to how the walk-in closet has morphed into a personal space that includes relaxing and quiet time, so has the bathroom become a boudoir where grooming and alone-time make sense in the big picture of personal care and spiritual well-being.

We live in hectic times where calm and quiet often escapes the average person. More and more, we’re hearing of how people are turning their homes into more than just sumptuously designed palaces. More than this, they are becoming retreats to an extent. A place where one can regain the energy and inner calm required when dealing with modern life.

Achieving a Feeling of Pampering
Achieving the ideal bathroom design begins with thoughts about:

  • Color. Which colors do you find relaxing, nurturing, soothing?
  • Style. Do you prefer minimal furnishings or a Victorian, accessorized space?
  • Must Haves. Is there something that you cannot do without? It may be a particular wall treatment, flooring or other visual enhancement.

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, this B & B design can be just about anything you want it to be, however, if it is a retreat that you are looking to create, consider your blueprint with the following in mind:

  • A complete demo and redesign is successful when you pay attention to the water source and electrical power outlets. While there is generally leeway for reconfiguring, you need to be practical. Engineers and architects are additional expenses when it comes to relocating water and electricity.
  • Have a good look at the light source. Upon rising, during the middle of the day and in the evening take note of how the room is naturally lit and how shadows are cast depending on in which direction your window is facing. This may determine whether you go with lighter or darker colors.
  • You may also want to consider how this room will remain cool in summer and comfortable in winter. Under-floor heating options can add great personal satisfaction and build on the overall enjoyment of your room.